Avilio E. Munoz MD Pediatrics

Insurance & Billing

We Accept Most Insurance Carriers

Please have your card with you at the time of your visit. If we file your claim, you are responsible for only the co-pay at the time of visit. If we are not a provider for your insurance, if you are not insured or we do not file with your insurance company, you may be responsible for the entire charge at the time of service.

Please Note: If you have a Medicaid HMO you will need to ensure that you select Dr. Muñoz as your Primary Care Physician. Please contact your Health Plan's Member Services  for more information.

Payment Options

We accept checks, cash or credit cards. We also offer a flexible payment plan. Please message us directly in your Patient Portal Account for any Billing Questions. We are happy to file insurance for your reimbursement as long as you are free to choose your own pediatrician. Please note that Medicaid HMO's require you to be assigned to Dr. Muñoz office as your Pediatrician.

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